Arab League Now Distances Itself from the Airstrikes

By Sandra Smith

A shameless news report from France tells us, "While Western countries had secured the support of some Arab and African countries to justify their intervention against Muammar Gadhafi, the Arab League chief Amr Moussa today criticized the bombing of the international coalition against Libya, saying they went beyond the establishment of a no-fly zone."

It was precisely Amr Moussa who led the charge of the "western countries" to declare "Arab support" for their aggression against Libya using his call for a "no-fly zone." Utmost hypocrisy was used to promote the monarchist forces and their flag of King Idris in the pay of western intelligence agencies saying they are "rebel forces" and that they support a no-fly zone but not foreign interference or invasion. Even now, these western fascist aggressors like Mrs. Clinton, David Cameron of Britain, others such as the Harper Government, as well as the Liberals and Social Democrats and entire official media declare that they are not attacking Libya, "they are protecting civilians."

Not a few Liberals and social democrats in this country (Canada) and abroad have been in denial about the meaning of a no-fly zone, going so far as to hold demonstrations in support of the alleged protection of civilians. This includes not only Canada's official Social Democrats and Liberals but also some people of different Middle Eastern and North African origin all of whom are making Gadhafi the issue not the aggression and aims of the western imperialists.

In these times of all out preparations for fascism and world war, when utmost violence is used by the reactionary regimes using American weaponry against the peoples of Bahrain, Yemen and other countries, Hillary Clinton is ratcheting up the war propaganda against Iran. No peoples anywhere can afford to promote abstract notions of some perfect democracy, which simply does not exist, to ignore the fact that the so-called democrats of this world are the tried and true hitlerites preparing for a massive redivision of the world to control sources of raw materials, markets, cheap labour and strategic spheres of influence.

To weep about human rights abuses or the rights of women and then support a no-fly zone under the hoax that it is an innocent gesture on the part of the world aggressors is utmost hypocrisy that gives the aggressors the green light. To call some people dictators, while those who are Harvard or Oxford educated are presumably civilized, is utmost eurocentric racist and chauvinist arrogance, which should be rejected with the utter contempt it deserves.

Since the 19th century, the British have been carrying out crimes against the peoples of the world making claims that in Europe we have civilization while "in the orient" we have "oriental despotism." Soon, the entire world will witness the debauchery of another so-called royal wedding where all the jewels of India stolen during the British Raj will be on display on the heads and necks of "the Royals." According to the massive disinformation that prevails today, the Royals are "good" because, as "constitutional monarchs," they represent stability while allegedly holding no power! That must be why they are spending so much of their so-called personal wealth to parade their superiority on TV screens of the world while their toadies such as Amr Moussa disgrace themselves and their nations with their pretences about being members of the "civilized community of nations" against "oriental despotism."

Those who have been holding demonstrations claiming they support democracy in Libya want to close their eyes to the facts of the carnage as a result of the "no-fly" zones over Iraq and from the bombing of Yugoslavia. It will not do.

According to a French news report, "Yesterday at the international summit before the first bombings, the Arab League had voted in favour of a no-fly zone. But according to Amr Moussa, 'what happened in Libya is different from the purpose which is to impose a no-fly zone.'"

What happened to change his mind? Surely not the results of his no-fly zone, which were totally predictable, except this time, the fascist repetition that it is for purposes of protecting civilians is even more criminal than in the past. Perhaps he was not guaranteed the presidency of Egypt or wined and dined enough by the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nicolas Sarkozy who never show anything but contempt for their puppets when it no longer suits them.

The French news source now says, "Meanwhile, more and more voices denounce the International strikes and warn against an escalation of violence."

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